This Sanskrit word derives from two words, Salabha and asana. Salabha means locust or grasshopper and the asana means yogic posture (Gyan unlimited, 2021). It means, this yoga posture takes the shape of a grasshopper. Hence the English name of this asana is Locust pose. This yogic posture involves bending the back portion of the body and opening up the front of the body.

How would this pose benefit the practitioners??!

This yogic posture is especially for those individuals who want to tone their abdomen and have a flat belly (Gyan unlimited, 2021). It involves the bending of the back portion of the body, by stretching the abdominal region. This helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles and reducing the belly fat, thus making the abdomen toned. The bending of the back helps in strengthening the muscles of the back. Individuals suffering from spinal cord injury can be cured with the regular practice of this yoga (Yoga babu, 2022). It helps in replenishing the spinal cord injury. This yoga also involves the stretching of the neck. It helps in strengthening the neck muscles and thus cures neck pain and defected neck joints. Stretching of the abdomen causes the stretching of the intestine, which improves the digestion process and helps in curing individuals suffering from constipation. This pressure on the abdominal region transmits to the heart and lungs, by making it more effective (Sanghwan, 2018).

Besides, regular practicing this yoga, helps in improving the reproductive system, by strengthening the uterus and rectifying the irregular menstrual cycle. Individuals who want to shed off their excessive thigh muscles and strengthen their hip bones can practice yoga on a regular basis. Moreover, the automatic nervous system is stimulated with the regular practice of this yoga and it improves the overall blood circulation and helps in reaching oxygen-rich blood to the body parts.

Things to keep in mind!!

The yoga instructors suggest that practitioners should keep their shoulders close to the ground. While practicing yoga, the chin of the practitioner should be in touch with the ground (Sanghwan, 2018). Both at the raised position and the ground level, the legs should be straight and stretched. During practicing yoga, the body should be held in such a position, so that the abdomen can sustain most of the body parts (Yoga babu, 2022). While holding the posture, the practitioner should hold their breath and should exhale normally while bringing both legs down to the ground.

What are the contraindications??

Individuals suffering from acute back pain should strictly avoid this yoga. This may bring severe back injury (Gyan unlimited, 2021). The yoga instructors also suggest that the individuals having sciatica also should avoid this yoga, as this pose involves the stretching of the body. During pregnancy, women should avoid this pose, as this pose involves the stretching of the abdominal region. Individuals who have a history of high blood pressure should also avoid doing this pose.




Gyan unlimited. (2021, July 27). Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Steps, Benefits And Precautions. Retrieved from Gyanunlimited:

Sanghwan, D. (2018). A case study of yoga benefits towards human fitness and human daily life. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, 3(2), 871-876. Retrieved from

Yoga babu. (2022). YOGA DETAILS. Retrieved from