The entire world is under the threat of the phenomenon that is commonly known as ‘Global Warming‘. The consequences of global warming and its serious effects on the Flora and the Fauna is a much talked about concern for the world.

“We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.” ~~~Barack Obama, Former US President

Fig: Showing the effect of Global Warming throughout the global countries  Source: National Centers for Environmental Information

The rate of global warming that has been tracked down at present has been alarming for human civilization and its surrounding environment and most of it is caused by the indiscriminate emission of greenhouse gasses (The Telegraph, 2021). Man-made pollution and updated lifestyles are significantly caused contributing to the problem of global warming. It has been reported by CAT that despite the Glasgow pledges, the uncontrolled lifestyle and greenhouse gas emissions will keep increasing beyond the limits and will keep expanding till the estimated target of UN is reached which is 2100. The issue of global warming is so concerning that it had also been included within the Paris agreement.

There are countries where the issue has been considered seriously and appropriate mitigation strategies have been designed and implemented. Global warming has been considered a long-term pledge within the countries that have been optimistic about it (The Telegraph, 2021). On the other hand, there are still countries where the issue gained momentum or response from the people or the legislation.

The designated leaders of the environmentally-conscious countries have been determined to achieve zero targets of global warming and pollution by the target year 2030 but the CEO of climate analytics has opposed with the fact that achieving a ‘zero’ in this case has very less or no possibilities (The Telegraph, 2021). On the other hand, Greenpeace has reportedly opposed the analysis that has been made and is regarding the analysis as ‘devastating’ (The Telegraph, 2021). The body has also called upon the member countries and motivated them to make efforts for the reduction of the gaps between their pledges and their targets.




NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: Global Climate Report for January 2021, published online February 2021, retrieved on December 28, 2021 from

The Telegraph. (2021, December 27). ‘World still stares at 2.4 degrees warming after climate pledges’. Retrieved from