“There are several coronaviruses that are poised for emergence in humans. What we’re doing is preparing an arsenal of shark VNAR therapeutics that could be used down the road for future SARS outbreaks. It’s a kind of insurance against the future.”, explained Aaron LeBeau, a professor at the University of Wisconsin- Madison from the pathology department.

Recently, a group of scientists has discovered an antibody, VNR, which is found in shark bodies, capable of fighting with the Covidf19 variant (Mehar, 2021). These VNRs are capable of binding with the pathogen uniquely and preventing them to spread infection.

“These small antibody-like proteins can get into nooks and crannies that human antibodies cannot access. They can form these unique geometries. This allows them to recognize structures in proteins that our human antibodies cannot.”, explained the professor.

Figure: Nurse sharks on Aaron’s lab
(Source: Mehar, 2021)

Scientists have shown that the VNR binds to the spike protein of the virus and thus prevents it from attacking human cells. In this way, the VNRs are being able to neutralize the viruses. Scientists have found that the VNRs remain constant, even in exposure to the different variants of the virus (Ubah, et al., 2021). Hence, it can be assumed that it would be effective against the Omicron variant. On the other hand, Mehar, (2021) has mentioned that the VNRs binding sites alter in the exposure to different variants of the Covid19 virus. Unlike human antibodies, it has been found that these VNRs have abilities to recognize the virus proteins rapidly (Ubah, et al., 2021). Scientists have found that the mechanism of the actions of these newly discovered drug molecules is completely different from the other biologics and antibodies. This proves how the Elasmobranches are delivering potent molecules for fighting against the Covid variant.

“What is exciting is that these new potential drug molecules against SARS-CoV-2 differ in their mechanism of action compared to other biologics and antibodies targeting this virus. It is another great example of how Elasmogen can effectively deliver potent therapeutic molecules.”, explained the scientists.

These newly discovered drug molecules are being prioritized especially for the individuals having promised immunity and who’s body do not respond to the vaccines properly (Mehar, 2021). In the future, scientists are expecting to make a mixture of the VNRs from multiple sharks, which would enhance the effectiveness of this antibody and this therapy would be cheaper and easier to create, compared to the human antibodies.



Mehar, P. (2021, December 27). Shark antibody-like proteins neutralize the COVID-19 virus. Retrieved from Tech explorist: https://www.techexplorist.com/shark-antibody-like-proteins-neutralize-covid-19-virus/43615/

Ubah, O. C., Lake, E. W., Gunaratne, G. S., Gallant, J. P., Fernie, M., Robertson, A. J., & Barelle, C. J. (2021). Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 neutralization by shark variable new antigen receptors elucidated through X-ray crystallography. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-12. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27611-y