“Air pollution is turning mother nature prematurely grey” -Irv Kupinet

The Winter Olympic games are being utilized by China for improving the surrounding environment. The recent problem that has grasped the city of Beijing is smog. The capital city is extremely prone to smog which has resulted in growing difficulties in hosting the opening ceremony (The Telegraph, 2021). The city has been determined to improve its air clarity after winning over the bid for the winter Olympics. Despite the efforts taken by the country, there has been an announcement from the ministries of the country that the severity of smog in the area could be a serious threat to the games. There is a rumor in circulation about the upcoming event that the city has been responsible enough for the removal of industries causing heavy pollution from January but the rumors have been denied by the ministries (The Telegraph, 2021). There had also been conjecture and speculations about the Olympic games and their probable venue before the bidding process. Beijing had been deeply criticized by the critiques due to its high level of smog that be overshadow the much-awaited event. The Winter Olympic games are being utilized by China for improving the surrounding environment. The recent problem that has grasped the city of Beijing is smog. The capital city is extremely prone to smog which has resulted in growing difficulties in hosting the opening ceremony (The Telegraph, 2021). The city has been determined to improve its air clarity after winning over the bid for the winter Olympics.

The president of the country has announced the up-gradation of the traditional event to a ‘green game‘. As a result of this announcement and as per the plan of launching ‘Green Olympics’, the country has taken the initiative of planting trees around thousands of hectares in Beijing.  The plantations have been initiated around the Hebel Province (The Telegraph, 2021). Apart from the green plantations for cutting pollution, the country has also invested within renewable energy sources for decreasing environmental pollution to reduce the chances of smog. Farms powered by solar energy and wind energy and relocation of industries in the area have also been significant steps of the country in fighting back environmental problems that could overshadow the Winter Olympics.



The Telegraph. (2021, December 28). China gears up for green games. Retrieved from https://epaper.telegraphindia.com/: https://epaper.telegraphindia.com/imageview/382179/17149910/71.html