The result of the climate summit hosted by San Francisco has been significant with the announcement that satellite carbon monitoring will be initiated by California to cut down the carbon emissions of the country (Malo, 2018). Reportedly, the carbon emissions from the country are all set to be tracked through satellite interventions so that the environmental degradation caused by the carbon emissions can be controlled.

The commitment given in the summit has been a large step for California towards the protection and the preservation of its surrounding environment through the implementation of ‘next-generation technologies’. The plan that has been laid down by California reflects self-reliance as the government claims to use the nation’s self-made satellites for tracking down the areas that have been experiencing carbon emissions majorly and the reasons behind the scenario (Malo, 2018). The pollution that is generated from the place in large amounts will also be tracked with the help of the satellite monitoring plan.

Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal. By American biologist and writer, Dr. Edward O. Wilson

There also have been significant pledges on the part of San Francisco in the summit where the market giants and the well-recognized companies have made promises to cut down carbon emissions for a better tomorrow. The government on the other hand has been determined to protect and preserve the forests of the land to bring down the negative climatic impacts on society. A giant step towards the plan has been initiated by the government with the plan of working hand in hand with the original inhabitants of the forests. This is sure to accelerate the growth of environmentalism among the government and the city dwellers and will provide an effective shape for the plan of controlling deforestation. It is truly remarkable how 21 tech-based companies have joined hands in decreasing the emissions of greenhouse gases in the summit (Malo, 2018). Massive efforts are being made in the checking of deforestation through the gathering of supporters, investors, and campaigners for the sake of the planet.


Malo, S. (2018, September). U.S. climate summit ends with California promising satellite carbon monitoring. Retrieved from