Paschimottanasana: A breath of life

Introduction to Paschimottasana The meaning of this Sanskrit word means the intense stretch of the pack portion of the body (Patel, HOD, Palnitkar, & Upalanchiwar, 2018). In this yoga, the practitioners seat in a seated posture and fold the upper body, so that the hamstrings and the muscles can be stretched. Another name of this

Matsyasana: A blessing for your mind and soul

Simplification of the word The word itself is bringing out the meaning of this asana, that is the practitioners have to recline their body by bending back like a fish (Anusha, Dubey, Raju, & Pasha, 2019). The Sanskrit word Matsya means Fish. Hence, another name of this asana is a fish pose. Yoga involves the

Halasana: A happy stretching

Introduction to Halasana Halasana is an inverted yoga pose. The word derives from the Sanskrit language. The word Hala means plow and asana mean yogic posture (Ramesh, 2019). Another name of Halasana is Plow pose. This name is derived from the shape of the pose, that resembles the shape of plows. Things to remember before

Sarvangasana: A key to serenity

What does it mean? The term is taken from the Sanskrit language. The breakdown of the word Sarvangasana brings out three simple words, Sarv, Anga, and Asana (Nagammanavar & Natekar, 2020). Here Sarva means entire, anga means the body parts, and asana is the yoga posture. Another name of this asana is the Shoulder stand

Sirsasana reduces mental stress: Myth or fact??

What does the word ‘Sirsasana’ mean? Another name of Sirsasana is the headstand pose. The word ‘Sirsha’ means head and the term ‘Asana’ means posture (Sitham, 2021). The simplification of the word is bringing out the actual meaning of Sirsana, that is pose involving the head. This yoga pose is considered as the king of

Yoga: A guide to healthy physical state & happiness

What is it? “Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness Yoga shows the way”, explained by Swami Vivekananda.   This quote proves that Yoga is meant for making people calmer and helps in improving the breathing process, thus relaxing the minds of individuals. Yoga is a set of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that

Himachal Pradesh’s tribal language-Baghati is in danger

Formerly, people were using their native languages to communicate or gain knowledge, but now people are losing interest in their languages. The extinction threat in India is rapidly increasing and a number of languages are under threat. One of which is Baghati, an indigenous language of Himachal Pradesh. UNESCO has already categorized several languages under

Mark I Scanner: Rising efficiency in health check-up

What is it? Recently a group of scientists has discovered the Mark I scanner, which can monitor the entire health of the patient within a very short time period (NS Medical staff writer, 2021). It gives accurate information about the physiological state of the patient. The gadget is being launched by the Q Bio Gemini

Rise of employment in India-Rooftop Solar project???

Why rooftop solar projects? The rooftop solar project is a new concept, which is snatching the attraction of the solar industry authorities. The rooftop projects will reduce the power bills, as these projects demand less electricity from the grid (Gillard, Sudmant, Gouldson, & Oates, 2018). This model also possesses fewer pollution risks than traditional energy