Why rooftop solar projects?

Figure: Roof top solar projects (Source: Gillard, Sudmant, Gouldson, & Oates, 2018)

The rooftop solar project is a new concept, which is snatching the attraction of the solar industry authorities. The rooftop projects will reduce the power bills, as these projects demand less electricity from the grid (Gillard, Sudmant, Gouldson, & Oates, 2018). This model also possesses fewer pollution risks than traditional energy sources. For the improvement of the solar projects, the government is approaching independent agencies, to evaluate the actual functioning of the rooftop projects.

Which agency is the government hiring?

Delhi government is hiring the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), on behalf of the Indian government, which would improve the rooftop projects (Gillard, Sudmant, Gouldson, & Oates, 2018). The agency is dedicated to the implementation process within the national solar mission.

What would the independent agencies do?


Figure: Rooftop solar projects: reducing electricity bills
(Source: Gillard, Sudmant, Gouldson, & Oates, 2018)

Recently, the solar projects are not yielding proper results and are being misused for some other purposes.

“The ministry intends to engage reputed consultants and experts to undertake an evaluation of Phase II of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Programme as per terms of reference and scope of work given”, explained by the senior officer of SNRE.

The senior officers of the SNRE have reported that the independent agencies would not only implement new processes but also identify the gaps within the current processes of the solar projects (Thakur, 2021). The government has invited the agency to conduct Phase II of the Grid Connected Rooftop program, which is part of the national solar mission. It has been reported that the agency is targeting 4 GW RTS projects, which the rooftop solar projects can launch in 2022. The agencies would also be responsible for gathering information regarding the other state agencies and stakeholders of the solar energy sectors and information about innovative implementations within the sectors. This independent agency would also evaluate the performance of the implemented processes and the loopholes of the existing techniques.

“The independent agency would further recommend that the government could further scale up the program, along with the required modification in the implementation process of the scheme”, explained by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE).

The authorities of MNRE are expecting that the independent agencies would also suggest the government for further recommendations, regarding the improvement of implemented processes, for the betterment of the rooftop solar projects. Moreover, the recommendation would make the project more feasible and cost-effective as well as reduce the level of pollution, that is generated, through the burning of fossil fuel, in order to, generate energy, from it.




Gillard, R., Sudmant, A., Gouldson, A., & Oates, L. (2018). Affordable and clean energy for all: Lessons on rooftop solar from Delhi, India. Retrieved from https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/142534/1/CUT18_Leeds_Solar_Final2.pdf

Thakur, V. (2021, December 28). Govt to hire independent agenci=y to evaluate rooftop solar projects. Retrieved from The Statesman Kolkata: https://epaper.thestatesman.com/3334583/Kolkata-The-Statesman/29-TH-DECEMBER-2021#page/8/2